by Tracie Griffith
The news from the printer is that the Port Fairy Ghost Stories book is almost ready for delivery. We can’t wait for you to see it!
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the production of the book. This not-for-profit venture would not have been possible without the generosity shown to the project by so many people.
Thank you to our major sponsors, the Moyne Shire Council and the Port Fairy Folk Festival. The book couldn’t have been realized without your involvement, so we are very glad you love ghost stories as much as we do!
Thank you to my parents, Karleen and Geoff Griffith, for bankrolling the project. As these things go, funding grants are paid after the fact, so we appreciate the vote of confidence and practical support in the last months of production and early days of the book’s release.
Thank you to our local business sponsors – Guyetts Funerals, The Red Hen, McLeans Pharmacy and BIG 4 Port Fairy. The cash injection was a great assistance in the final critical stages.
Thank you to all the generous copyright holders who gave us permission to reproduce published material for free – Anthony Brady and The Moyne Gazette, Jason Ciavola, Herald Sun, Glenda Keane, Valerie and Timothy McKenzie, and Joan Powling. Copyright fees are prohibitive and completely beyond our reach, so we greatly appreciate your kind support.
Thank you to the 30 people who bravely provided their stories of ghostly encounters. It demanded a great deal of trust on the part of all of you, given no-one had any idea what we were up to. Put simply, there is nothing like a ghost story told by the person who experienced it. It makes for chilling, thrilling reading.
Thank you to our wonderful team of artists who have gamely illustrated these ghostly tales. There were 15 artists in total and they have produced some truly beautiful artworks. Many of the artists are well-known in the region and the broader arts community. (Love the fact you guys hit those deadlines. Yay team!)
Port Fairy Ghost Stories will be hitting the shops on 2nd December 2017 (check our SHOP page on the website for locations). Make sure you pick up a copy or two or three for Christmas presents, and maybe even an artwork.
Because everyone loves a ghost story…