cox street axe murder

Whatever happened to Thelma Mary Wade?

by Tracie Griffith The story of the Cox Street Axe Murder continues to intrigue, with the question of what happened to Thelma Mary Wade remaining unanswered. It appears that little Stewart Wade was not the only victim of his mother’s senseless crime. Known accounts suggest that Thelma led a troubled existence; [...]

2024-12-27T09:57:09+11:00December 20th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Whatever happened to Thelma Mary Wade?

Welcome to the Port Fairy Ghost Stories project website!

by Tracie Griffith Research for the Port Fairy Ghost Stories project has been underway for nearly two years now. We started with a long list of rumoured stories from our group of intrepid ghost hunters and expanded on this as locals suggested additional leads. Along the way, we discovered that many of [...]

2024-12-27T09:55:25+11:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Welcome to the Port Fairy Ghost Stories project website!
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